“My mother is the best cook in the world. Her….'{insert choice dish}’…. is the best in the Nigeria”. Almost everyone I have ever met, has that stoic belief […]
Lost and Robbed in Dubai (II) The Witch and Me ..
………….Continued. Once upon a time, it was our last official day in Dubai. We had done a lot of shopping and had a great time and so decided […]
Lost and Robbed in Dubai (I) Tourist Distractions…
“Oh my God! where is the tour bus? Have they left us ?” I asked my sister panting and out of breath, I was sweating and almost hyperventilating […]
Queen Victoria: The Grandmother of England
So, my obsession with Royal families’ continue…… I love this stuff and have read about it or them since I was a teenager. I want to say so […]
Silent Heart Strings
I have been unable to blog for a few weeks. I have written countless articles/blogs but I have been unable to publish them because they do not pull […]
Contaminated Bread
There comes a time in everybody’s life where you have to grow up and I had been dying to grow up for a long time. My older sisters […]
Family Secrets.
I once read a very interesting article about family secrets and how they were discovered. You can read it here. The stories in this article ranged from extramarital […]
50 Random things about Me
I thought it would be nice if my reader(s) got to know random stuff about me. I struggled with what to share and what not to share but […]