“I am” The phrase “I am” has become recognized as a very powerful prefix to the unfolding nature of a persons existence. In this era of information we […]
Change Your Friends: Its allowed.
Most properly brought up people (not everyone just most) are wired to be Loyal. From childhood you are conditioned to stick by your siblings or cousins (your first […]
Silent Heart Strings
I have been unable to blog for a few weeks. I have written countless articles/blogs but I have been unable to publish them because they do not pull […]
Self Love can be Hard
I was confused and struggling. I had gone from a wide-eyed curvy,sexy bride to a really chubby wife that hated herself. I was sad and it affected the […]
Dear 15 Year Old Me
Dear Ladyromford, Right now you do not feel very confident or sure of yourself. I know right now your looks make you feel like you do not measure […]