Letting go sucks………

Ori’s christian mind: “Ori let go of past hurts ”


Eye roll… This is my mind trying to practice what was preached in church on Sunday. However

Ori’s carnal mind : “Abeg! leave me first”.

Don’t just try me

I love the power that comes with holding on to a grudge especially if I was wronged by the “grudgee”.  I won’t even pretend about the fact that I like that I have the upper hand if you are asking my forgiveness.

I am one of those people who will apologize in a heartbeat. I truly do not have a problem with that. But when I am hurt especially if its by someone I consider important I can be so mad for so long and have to heal first because if I don’t it becomes a toxic pretentious and….. it pretty much spirals downward from there.

Anyways the point of this post is. Forgiveness and letting go of hurt is hard but necessary. So until you see the good in it you may just hold on to that ‘satisfaction’ that comes with supposedly having the upper hand. Truth is, you DO NOT have the upper hand you are weighed down by anothers’ actions and you expect them to be at your mercy. You will be on a long thing ( In Nigerian English) ….

I said I’m sorry. What is it again!

Imagine you shock and hurt when someone that is supposed to be apologetic to you doesn’t care…  you’d be so mad and angry.  So for your own sake and happiness and for the sake of those who matter to you and have not hurt you… sis let go and move on.

Ori move on…


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