Some Mondays are created to remind you why you hated school in the first place and why you were supposed to be Dangotes’ Daughter so that you would not work a day in your life. My point being every single assignment you didn’t do over the weekend and all the laundry you didn’t do over the weekend is brought to the fore front. Oh the stress…

If you went to boarding school like I did for secondary school you know the reality of what it meant to survive the weekend with senior students in my case we had senior students, military personnel, the matron and teachers it was just a lot….. the sad truth is you are supposed to find time in the middle of dodging all the errands and punishments to be a student, do your laundry, assignments and hair. Madness…….

Anyways I remember on Monday morning I think I was in SS2 or SS1 . I woke up had a shower dressed up went to class and participated in a debate. In fact it was during break that I realized that it was a dream. I woke up to my horror and discovered first I had not washed my socks, my white and I had not ironed. The worst part was that I had not done my “further maths” assignment( If you went to NNSS PH in 2000ish and your further maths teacher was my further maths teacher) then you know that was a death sentence…. I had a major “African Writers Series” essay to write for literature class and it was due that Monday morning. ( Mr. Okorie did not play games). I woke up with a start it was a few minutes to 5am (awakee was 5:30am). I did the towel dry method i.e. wash put it in a towel and wring it real hard with the towel and when its damp enough iron it and hang it. It should dry within a few minutes (tried and tested). Anyways I did the same for my white shirt my socks and as for the assignment the unfortunate truth is I was the only girl doing further maths in my set at that time #nerd so there was nobody to copy from. I did it in 10 minutes (forget whether or not it was right) as for the essay I cut a huge portion of grass because I didn’t submit on time and like I said Mr. Okorie didn’t play games.
This particular Monday felt like that day all over again I had some write up for work and I had not finished despite having 3 months notice. I had a presentation to do on behalf of my boss and that I w given 6 hours to do. The difference between this and the other Monday in secondary school is that I actually pulled an all-nighter or should I say all-weekender yet I didn’t complete even 50% of what I had to do. So I had palpitations as loud as a ….. my head hurt, my eyes were swollen, my mouth dry and my tummy noisy I just kept thinking “Fix it Jesus”.
This Monday was becoming the worst in the world. But GOD….phew Jesus did it. Now, Abuja airport had been closed therefore everyone coming into town had to come via Kaduna airport two hours away from Abuja airport that means 3 hours into town and because the office had gotten the logistics all muddled up the execs coming into town cancelled and moved their trip by two weeks, and the report i was to submit, well it turns out I’m not the only truant in my office so we were all given an extra month. Yaaay! so I got off scot free this time.