Heart pounding, toe bleeding, eyes spitting fire, tears flowing, hurt cascading up and down my soul emanating from the injured toe to my brain, I turned to behold the love of my life who at that moment I could have sworn was Hitler’s incarnate. And I said in very calm tones…… (As calm as I could muster). “How can you choose now to lecture me? You are very inconsiderate “
I still believe I look this good while crying
I actually look more like this though
I have been wondering and honestly I still do not for the life of me know if it is anxiety from seeing so much blood or it’s simply fear and concern but again he goes into over drive. Talking really loudly saying, “Calm down bla bla bla”… He marches into the bathroom to get God knows what. Now if you remember I was trying to clean the wound in preparation to sleep before the other accident happened.
So, Mr. Man returns and then starts to lecture me on how what I am doing to clean the wound is not even right. I answer still crying “I know how to clean open wounds and besides, now is not the time”. He insists on lecturing at that time Jeez!!! I am bleeding and all. Anyways I tell him “this is how my dad does it”. At this point he chooses to take offence saying “I am not your Dad” bla bla bla and to my shock he is really offended. “Please leave me alone!! I scream “if you do not want to help me just say so”. I am screaming at the top of my lungs now by the way. He is still going on and on about my Dad and how I am not married to my Dad. I start yelling consistently ”h@%#& *&%@*”………………….
Oh Gosh
I honestly do not remember half of what we both said because all this while I am still sitting on the floor bleeding profusely and crying my eyes out, Mr. Man decides to start another lecture. He says “look; the way to clean a wound does not necessary entail disinfectant and all that, after-all I play foot-ball and I have injured my self countless times and that’s not how I treat the wounds”.
I look at this man in horror. How is it at this time he wants to prove to me his knowledge of medicine? So I at this point mention AGAIN!! that I am not competing with you Mr. Man and even if I were (which I am not *rolls eye*) , my father is a trained Medical Doctor and you my darling are an IT guy who formally trained as a physicist and Engineer therefore there is no competition and you cannot compete. He insists and claims he knows how to treat wounds….urghhhh (I leave you to make your decision. If you were in my shoes, please whose direction would be logical to follow at this point?) Anyway he starts catching feelings all over the place and this loving man decides that he is too angry and walks out of the room telling me do sort myself out.
Goodness me all the anger, all the adrenaline in me ….. I swear I was so angry I didn’t feel any pain anymore. I stopped crying got up, went to the bathroom cleaned this “painful fresh re-opened wound” considering the pain I felt later the next day, it could only have been adrenaline that caused that pain to reduce. I was mad, I was emotional, I was hurt physically and I was shocked that my husband would leave me in that kinda pain because his ego is bruised.
I clean myself up and go to bed as in I was on some bad-ass adrenaline because all night even while asleep I still felt nothing.
Super Power woman mehhnnn
The next morning the pain came in like a flood, my heart was beating in my toe. I lay in bed all day, having headaches and in a lot of pain hubby is still angry from whatever!! I mind my business.
But, he makes me breakfast, I see he is trying to be nice, I eat even though I am not hungry. We kinda reconcile I’m still keeping malice but as a good wife and someone still in-love with his *big head* I see his effort and so I do all the cleanup/wash up etc. I was still in mad pain because as is customary with these kind of wounds they hurt twice as much by the next day. Made worse by the fact that it had reopened so violently. So now its a case of how to get past last nights drama without acting like there are 24 elephants in the room. ..Sigh..

Mr. Man eventually said he was sorry I guess he Kinda got carried away with all the emotions swirling round the House. I said I was sorry too as I had done a lot of yelling and said xyz…..to be honest I cannot remember how exactly the reconciliation happened but I guess this is one of those episodes of blood, sweat and tears.

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